Sunday, October 26, 2008

Reason #8 Monstrances

As a child, I would sit in awe of the selfless and giving love of the man nailed to the cross for the redemption of my soul. There was no greater love than the crucifixion of my Lord. What I didn't realize was that that was only half the story. To understand the fullness of His love, beautifully proclaimed in the Catholic Church, meant to understand the nuptial union He called me to. The complete gift of Himself that he gave for my consumption as a consummation to hold his perfect body in my imperfect body. This is the greatest gift I have ever been given. My heart races, my eyes tear at the mere thought of his perfect gift of self. With this perfect image of his gift of body , my heart races as a bride on her wedding night in awe and admiration of the beauty of her beloved's nakedness. It is a love that holds nothing back and hides nothing from His bride. Lord, you lay naked before us as your brides with a trust and love that we will return your complete gift of self and allow our souls to be naked before you as we once were and we anticipate to be again in your kingdom.

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