Friday, May 20, 2005

Breastfeeding Cultural Norm???

Yestderday, I sat a discussed the difference between how La Leche League and the Federal gov't have approached the task of increasing breastfeeding. The other woman pointed at (as I have heard in other arguments) that part of the gov'ts logic is that breastfeeding should be considered the norm and everything else as abnormal. That is the reason for their negative breastfeeding tactic. Which consists of them basically telling people how horrible their child will be if they don't breastfeed. I have always loved La Leche League's method of encouraging woman to breastfeed by telling them how wonderful it is. I started thinking about the differences between the two. The gov't version is based on fear. We need to do this lest we screw up our kids. It is this same basis that for the last 100 yrs parents have left their babies screaming in the other room as the mother cries because she wants to pick up her baby. She continues to do this until her baby are both desenstized out of fear of spoiling the baby. LLL philosophy has always encouraged woman to breastfeed by pointing out the positive aspects of breastfeeding. It is such an easy task now that there is so much researching citing a great variety of benefits which extend well beyond just the baby to the mother and to the baby as an adult. How many people in the 50's knew that their choice to breastfeed would affect their child's nutritional absorption for the rest of their lives.
So this brings me to my point. According to their research the negative method the gov't went with gets more woman breastfeed than the positive method of LLLI. The question that must be asked though, is what is the goal. Is the goal to get mother's to breastfeed for 4-6 mths or is the goal to encourage woman to embrace motherhood, trust themselves and do what is natural which of course includes breastfeeding. Looking at the longivity of each method, the gov't technique will only work as along as people stay afraid. Once fear supsides or is recreated into a fear of something else, breastfeeding will fall apart. The woman have not been educated or empowered, just scared. If we educate the woman about the joys and benefits of breastfeeding, they will have learned a lesson that they can communicate and educate future generations about.
So for those of you that don't care about breastfeeding, how can this be applied at large? Well whenever human beings (especially children) are raised out of fear, the reaction supsides as the fear diminishes. This is why God contstantly tells us DO NOT BE AFRAID! He wants us to choose him out of love not fear. In the Old Testament, the people were afraid of God and lived in great fear. When our Savior arrived on the scene in the New Testament he told the people not to be afraid that he was with them. The old ways of fear were short sided and reactionary, the new law of love is eternal.

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