Monday, July 21, 2008

some like it hot...

So these are called the "lazy" days of summer. I was chatting with some friends about living without air conditioning and the views are very interesting. Today the heat index in Evansville hit 102 degrees. The solution, well fill up a kiddie pool and enjoy the day with the kids. After I got out of the pool and came back in the house it struck me that our go go go society has lost the lazy days of summer. The heat makes us slow down so we spend more time doing useless activities like drinking sweat tea, playing in a kiddie pool, and "accidentally" spraying brother's with a hose. I look up and down my block though and notice that I am the only house with windows open and this is true when it is only in the 80s as I can see how the 100s would make people want air. So instead of slowing down and experiencing all the seasons that God gave us we have circumvented them all with perfect climate control at all times. Our children's generation will never remember the days of having to have water balloon fights to keep from melting, why ice cream is SO good (it is good anyway), and why evenings are best spent on the front porch (since the house hasn't cooled off as quickly as the outside does). I can't believe that the schools in this area start school in just 3 weeks, to me we are just in the middle of summer there is still so much of nature to learn about and explore and i for one am not ready to be stuck inside a building yet. I guess that is another reason to be glad we are homeschooling.

1 comment:

VeganLinda said...

I couldn't agree more. I love feeling hot in the summer and cold in the winter in our old house. I love how most of the kids in our neighborhood spend every second outside because none of us has A/C. :-) I hope you settling in and find some wonderful people in your area, but don't forget to come back and visit!