Monday, March 20, 2006

Humility: Action Part I

So how do we as parents who have lost trust grow in trust so that we may eventually gain humility? The first thing is to pray and reflect on what areas of our life we have the most concern or stress. Is it job stability, family finances, our health, our family size or any other of a multitude of areas that we find it is so difficult to overcome. Depending on your personality, I encourage you to either select your area of greatest mistrust if you like to battle Goliath before for you take on the small tasks, or maybe you would be best to find a smaller area where you can take small steps to success as you are already on the road. Whatever your personality, if any area is causing your heart or soul pain, choose that area first. We will go through some of the most common areas together.

I. Trust in Family Size
God's creating of being able to procreate is in a sad state of disrepair as we value our things (cars, toys, good schools) over trust in God's ability to work within us. It is time that we as Catholics give back in trust to God what God created. God created Adam and Even with the instructions to go forth and multiply. Note there were no conditions or terms such as go forth and multiply only if you receive a promotion or even multiply only if you can ensure that you create healthy children and remain healthy yourself. He simply said, "Go Forth and Multiply." As noted earlier, we must dedicate our lives to trust and holy obedience to our most Holy Father.
As parents, I am sure many of us have experienced upon conception of a child the toy of life and humility in knowing that it is through God that life is given (and taken away). As we expand our trust of God to include all areas of our fertility, we can grow in humility that it is not our bodies that create life. God has blessed women's bodies with plentiful eggs and has blessed men with the similarly amazing ability to produce sperm. It is not by our work or merit that life is created, rather God blesses our lives with children through an act of trust in him and a sharing of love and appreciation for the amazing gift of life that he has shared with us. For we are not creating children rather we are being blessed by God as the gatekeepers of some of his most precious impressionable souls.

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